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Unit 6 At a PE lesson 教案设计

日期:10-19 23:14:06 | 小学英语教学设计 | 浏览次数: 534 次 | 收藏

标签:小学英语教学方法,http://www.gaofen123.com Unit 6 At a PE lesson 教案设计,

  Unit 6 At a PE lesson
  2.能正确地听、说、读、写单词an arm, hand, time, left, right.能正确地听、说、读单词neck, shoulder, finger.
  3.能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语Let’s do some exercise. Turn left and right. Jump up and down. Good. Stop!
  4.能正确地理解并运用句型Touch …with your … ××× time(s). All right .
  1.Warming-up exercise
  Sing and act the song 《Head, shoulders, knees and toes》
  2.Free talk
  T: What day is it day ?
  S: It’s …
  T: What lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon ?
  S: We have …
  T: What subject do you like ?
  S: I like … How about you ?
  T: I like PE. It’s interesting. Let’s go and have a PE lesson. OK ?
  S: OK .(揭题:Unit 6 A PE lesson)
  3.Presentation and practise
  T: What can you do at a PE lesson?
  S: I can…
  T: Yes, we can do a lot of different exercise at a PE lesson. And I think we should do some exercise every day. Right?
  S: Yes.


  T: From now on. Let’s do some exercise every day. OK?
  S: OK.
  Teach : exercise
  出示:Let’s do some exercise .
  T: Now, let’s do some exercise. “I say and you touch”
  T: Touch your book/desk/head.
  S: All right./Yes./OK.
  Teach: touchàtouch your…
  T: Let’s change. “I touch and you say”
  S: Touch your eyes/ears/nose.
  T: All right./Yes./OK.
  T: This time. I want to invite two students.“One say and one touch”
  S: Touch your…
  S: All right./Yes./OK.
  T: Good.Stop!
  Teach: Good. Stop! (手势)
  T: ***,touch your hands.
  S: All right .
  T: Good . Stop !
  Teach : hand (andàhandàhands)
  T: I can write with my hands. How about you?
  S: I can…with my hands.
  Teach: with 用
  T: These are my hands. This is my…?
  S: Head.
  Compare: hand & head
  Sentence: I have one head and two hands.
  T: How many fingers are there on a hand?
  S: There are five.
  Teach: finger àfingers
  T: I can play chess with my fingers.
  S: I can…with my fingers.
  T: Boys. Touch your head with your hands.
  B: All right.(Explain the meaning.)
  T: Good . Stop !
  T: Girls. Touch your ears with your fingers.
  G: All right.
  T: Good. Stop!
  Teach: Touch…with…
  T: Group One and group two. “I do and you say.”
  Ss: Touch your nose with your fingers.
  T: All right.


  T: Group three and group four .
  Ss: Touch your head with your hands.
  T: OK.
  T: Good. Stop! Let’s do it one by one.
  T: ***,touch your hair with your hands.
  S: All right.(开火车)
  T: Good. Stop!
  T: You did a good job. Just now you did exercise by yourselves. Now, do some exercise with me.OK?
  S: OK.(ModelàFollow meàDo it together.)
  Do some exercise with me
  1,2    touch your head
  3,4    with your hands
  5,6    turn left turn right
  7,8    up and down
  9,10   jump  jump  jump
  Teach: leftàturn left  rightàturn right  turn left and right
  up and downà jump up and down
  T: Boys and girls. Let’s jump three times again.
  Ss: All right. One, two, three.
  Teach:time  次数
  (师说生做分小组) 1.Turn left two times.
  2.Turn right three times.
  3.Turn left and right four times.
  4.Jump up and down one time.
  (男生/女生)      1.Turn left and right two times.
  2. Jump up and down three times.
  T: Let’s play ball games. OK?
  Ss: OK.
  Games rules: Let one student to choose one ball and do the action. The others guess.
  Ball 1:Touch your head with your hands.
  Ball 2: Jump up and down five times.
  Ball 3:Turn left and right three times.
  Ball 4: Touch your ears with your fingers.
  T: Ball 5 Touch your head with your hands two times.
  S: All right .One ,two.
  T: Touch your ears with your fingers five times.
  S:All right. One, two, three, four,five.
  Teach : Touch…with…times.
  T: Touch your neck with your hands three times.
  S: OK. One, two, three.


  Teach: bed  back à   neck
  T: This her left/right shoulder.
  Teach: shoulder àshoulders
  T: Show me your left/right arm.
  Teach : car  moon à an arm à arms
  neck neck          neck and neck
  shoulder shoulders   left and right
  arm   arms        arm in arm
  hand  hands       up and down
  finger finers        with your fingers
  Pair work:
  B: All right./Yes./OK.
  A:Good. Stop!
  Group work:
  T: Now, I’m your PE teacher. Let’s have a PE lesson.
  A: Let’s do some exercise.
  B: …
  A: Turn left and right…times
  B: …
  A: Touch your…with your…times.
  B: …
  A: Jump up and down…times.
  B: …
  A: Good. Stop!
  Look and match:
  neck and neck           并驾齐驱
  shoulder to shoulder      肩并肩
  arm in arm              臂挽臂
  hand in hand            手拉手
  a.      Review the words and sentences.
  b.      Olympic Games is coming. As a student, what can we do ?
  Let’s do exercise, more and more.
  Let’s study English, harder and harder.
  Let’s hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.
  To wish Beijing, wish Olympic Games
  A good beginning, a good ending.
  1.      Copy the new words and new sentences.
  2.      Have a PE lesson with your classmates after class.
  Unit 6 At a PE lesson
  neck                                      Let’s do some exercise.
  shoulder                                 Turn left and right.
  arm                                       Jump up and down.
  hand                                     Touch…with…times.
  finger                                    All right./Yes./OK.
  Good. Stop!



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