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当前:首页 >> 亚太小学数学奥林匹克试题(2017年)


日期:02-11 15:37:51 | 小学五年级数学学习 | 浏览次数: 860 次 | 收藏

标签:小学五年级数学学习,http://www.gaofen123.com 亚太小学数学奥林匹克试题(2017年),


  As of 2010, the pass year question papers will not be uploaded online and SMOPS booklet will not be printed, due to copyrights issues. Instead, some sample questions can be downloaded from the following URLs:


  First Round Sample Questions.rar(第一轮试题)




  First Round Sample Ans Keys.rar(第一轮答案)




  Invitation Round Sample Questions.rar(样本解答)

  Should you have any queries, please contact


  For Singapore schools:


  Ms Sharmaine Teng


  Email: smops@hc.edu.sg


  Tel: 64665912


  For overseas centres:


  Mr Jeffrey Lim (Malaysia centres)


  Email: jeffrey@hc.edu.sg


  Tel: +65 64665912


  Mdm Cheong Sew Wa (Taiwan, Hainan and Shanghai centres)


  Email: cheongsw@hc.edu.sg


  Tel: +65 64665912


  Mr Joseph Tan (All other overseas centres)


  Email: joseph@hc.edu.sg


  Tel: +65 64683955



TAG:小学数学  奥林匹克  



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