Lesson 40
Red apple, red apple, what a treat! Wash your hands.It's time to eat.
Yellow pear... Green melon... Pink peach...
Lesson 41
Is the apple sour? Is the apple sweet? I like the sweet apple.It's time to eat.
Apple sour? Apple sweet? Taste the fruit.It's time to eat.
Lemon... Banana... Grapes... Orange... Strawberry... Melon...
Is the apple sour? Is the banana sweet? Is the orange sour? Is the melon sweet?
Is the strawberry sour? Is the pineapple sour? Is the peach sweet? Are the grapes sour?
B: Banana: Yellow.G: Apple: Red.B: Melon: Green.B: Grapes: Purple.
G: Pineapple: Brown.B: Strawberry: Red.G: Orange: Orange.
Lesson 43
How many monkeys do you see? Can you count them 1, 2, 3...
How many black ones? How many brown? Can you count them up and down?
Lesson 47
One: Wash the fruits. Two: Peel the fruits.
Three: Cut the fruits.Four: Add the dressings.
Five: Mix the fruits.Six: Eat the salads.
Lesson 48
1.B: What is this? G: It's a pencil.
2.B: I can see with my ... G: Eyes!
3.B: What is it? G: An elephant.
4.B: How many rabbits? G: Five!
5.B: What color is the ruler? G: Pink.
6.B: What does a monkey like? G: Bananas.