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当前:首页 >> 葡萄牙语情景对话:如何提问


日期:04-04 18:25:38 | 葡萄牙语学习 | 浏览次数: 186 次 | 收藏

标签:自学葡萄牙语,葡萄牙语教程,http://www.gaofen123.com 葡萄牙语情景对话:如何提问,

  por que (preposition por + pronoun que) = question in the beginning of the sentence example por que vocêeu todo o bolo ?

  por quê (preposition por + pronoun quê) = question in the end of the sentence example vocêeu todo o bolo por quê?

  porque (conjuction because) = answer in the beginning of the sentence example: eui todo o bolo porque estava fome

  porquê (adverb why) = answer in the end of when you refer to the reason

  notice that porquê is also a masculine noun, "reason, cause"

  tip: when used in question, write por + que/quê apart and when answering, write together. write que with an accent when it is used in the end of sentence. notice however the different meanings of the words.

  asking politely

  em português   in english poderia me dizer ……?   could you tell me ……?

  poderia   to be able to , can look irregular verbs poder dizer   to say irregular verbs dizer


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