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The material of saying a lesson

日期:10-03 03:55:52 | 说课稿 | 浏览次数: 912 次 | 收藏

标签:说课稿模板 说课稿范文,http://www.gaofen123.com The material of saying a lesson,
 The content of my lesson is Project English for students of grade seven, Unit 6, Topic 2, Section A, What’s your home like?
First, let me talk about the teaching material. The title of this topic is “What’s your home like?” By studying this section, the students will know different types of houses and how to describe their own house.
Second, I want to tell you my teaching aims from three points.
Point one, perception aim, the students can hear, read and use the sentence pattern “What’s your home like?”
Point two, ability aim, the students can say the types of houses and talk about their houses with each other.
Point three, emotion aim, use the words and sentence patterns in daily life and express their thoughts in proper scene.
Third, I would like to talk about the key points and difficult points. Key points, the students know how to distinguish different types of houses, and apartment building. Difficult points, the students can use the words and sentence to make simple dialog of inquiring, the students can understand the usage of “with” in “It’s a townhouse with two floors.”
In order to achieve the teaching aims better and stress the key points and to break through the difficult points, I decide the teaching process into four steps.
Step one, warm up. Sing a song.
Step two, presentation and practice.
1、Draw three pictures of different houses on the blackboard and write down the words “farm house, townhouse and apartment” under them. Teach the new words according to the pictures.
2、Ask the students to read the dialog quickly and answer questions according to the dialog.
3、Read again and underline important words and phrases.
4、Get through the dialog together.
5、Guide to read.
6、Listen to the tape record and follow it.
Step three, consolidation.
1、Read in groups.
2、Ask the students to have a show. They can choose what to do. Just read; Act out or make a similar dialog.
3、Read together.
Step four, homework.
Make a survey. To know what’s your classmates’ home like and fill in blanks.
The reflection of teaching this class is that it would be better to arrange the students of different levels to prepare their shows and give chances to each level to show themselves. I think this is a good way to help all the students to build confidents of learning English. And they can really learn something from the class.
Instead of writing so many Chinese to explain the key phrases, I should give more examples to help the students to understand and how to use them freely.


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