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英语儿歌 “What can I be?”

日期:10-31 19:32:05 | 教育学习 | 浏览次数: 512 次 | 收藏

标签:教育学习,http://www.gaofen123.com 英语儿歌 “What can I be?”,

    “I can be a bird in a nest in a tree.”

  “I can be a pencil and draw pictures to share.”

  “I can be a triangle, circle, or square.”

  “I can be like a fish, and swim in the ocean.”

  “I’d play in the waves with a wiggling motion.”

  “I can be a butterfly and float in the breeze…”

  “… or curl myself into a hive for the bees.”

  “I can pick up trash and keep the town clean…”

  “,,,or bend like a tree, even though I’m not green.”

  “I can work hard in school and then go to college.”

  “I could do anything with that kind of knowledge.”

  “I can ski down a mountain and have fun in the snow.”

  “You wouldn’t believe how fast I can go!”

  Simon has discovered that he’s like you and me.

  He can be anything he wants to be.

  But all he really needs to be is …HIMSELF!

  Don’t you agree?

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