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日期:10-31 19:32:05 | 教育学习 | 浏览次数: 115 次 | 收藏

标签:教育学习,http://www.gaofen123.com 英语六级考试短语练习,

1. The director _____ traffic safety in his talk.
A. drew in B. settled down

C. felt like D. dwelt on

2. We had to _____ Jim's poor table manners because he refused to change.

A. put in for B. put up with

C. put down D. put across

3. The 15 banks were likely to _____ about $530 million of the bad assets.

A. turn off B. write off  
C. take off D. show off

4. The government threatened to _____ the already huge US trade deficit.

A. add to B. add up to

C. amount to D. get to

5. The new management has _____ great changes to the company.

A. brought about B. brought over

C. brought forward D. brought in


1. D

draw in (天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短;(汽车或火车)到站

settle down 定居,过安定的生活;平静下来;定下心来

feel like 想要

dwell on/upon 老是想着,详述

2. B

put in for 申请

put up with 容忍,忍受

put down 记下,写下

put across/over 解释清楚,使被理解

3. B

turn off 关,关掉;拐弯,离开……转入另一条路

write off 取消,注销,勾销

take off 脱下;起飞;匆匆离开

show off 炫耀,卖弄

4. A

add to 增添

add up to 合计达,总括起来,意味着

amount to 合计,共计;(在意义、价值等方面)等同,接近

get to 到达, 接触到, 开始, 对……有影响

5. A

bring about 导致,引起

bring over 使相信,说服

bring forward 提前;提出,提议

bring in 生产, 挣得, 介绍引进

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