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日期:10-31 19:39:41 | 高二英语 | 浏览次数: 762 次 | 收藏

标签:高二英语,http://www.gaofen123.com 高二英语作文修改及答案,

  families to get together. Have you ever thought of 7.___________

  how you can show your parents that you love them  8.___________

  Find a chance and do something for them or to have 9.___________

  sincere talk with them. If you can do this, your parents 10.___________

  will be very happy.


  1. 将many改为much。修饰不可数名词(time)不能用many。

  2. 将dearer改为dearest。与in the world连用,用最高级。

  3. 将of改为for。care for sb.= love sb.爱某人。

  4. 将deep改deeply为。表示抽象意义“深深地”,用deeply。

  5. 将more改为less。由even though和still可知,小孩随着年龄增大,与父母的关系可能变得不及以前亲密。

  6. 将you改为they。因为是代替上文的many children。

  7. 去掉of。think of后面常接sth.或doing sth.,不接从句。

  8. 此行正确。

  9. 去掉to。have与前面的find并列,均为祈使句。

  10. 在sincere前加上a。have a talk with sb是固定词组。


  Today is Sunday, The sky is full of sunshine, so does my life. 1.___________

  At about 9:00a.m, I go to the bookstore with my friends, there 2.___________

  was a lot of new books, I didn’t know which one to buy, because 3.___________

  these books were all useful to me. At last, I chose two. 4.___________

  At 10:00, we went to the cinema, the film calling Titanic was 5.___________

  very popular. It took us about 3 hours to see. Having seen the 6.___________

  film, and everyone was deeply moved. Some friends even 7.___________

  burst out tears. From the story, I understand that love is noble 8.___________

  and valuable. That’s a really wonderful film, It is very worth 9.___________

  seeing again.

  What a happy day! I hope tomorrow I will be even happy! 10.____________


  1. does→is。主语所陈述的内容与前一句主语所陈述的内容相同,用 so 连接并倒装。

  2. go→went。文章的主导时态是陈述过去,故用一般过去时。

  3. was→were。有很多书,故用复数。

  4. √。

  5. calling→called。表示“被叫做”,作定语修饰 film。

  6. see 后加 it。作某事花去某人多少时间。

  7. 去掉 and。前面部分为分词作状语,后面部分为主句。

  8. out→into。词组 burst into tears 流泪。

  9. very→well。常说 be (well)worth doing(很)值得作某事,不用 very。

  10. happy→happier。根据语境,该用含蓄比较级。


  I like travel very much. I had been to most 1.___________

  of the interested places in Britain already and I just 2.___________

  don’t want other cold English summer. So I’ll go 3.___________

  abroad for change this year. Where I’d like 4.___________

  to is France, Spain, or Italy. Though going abroad 5.___________

  has the trouble of changing money abroad. But 6.___________

  when I just think of the sun I’d enjoy for, the new 7.___________

  places I’d see, the people I’d meet, I get excited. 8.___________

  In fact, which I’d really like to do is to practice my 9.___________

  French and Spanish. It would do me a lot at work.10.___________


  1. had改为have。指到目前为止已经去过英国的大部分有趣的地方,用现在完成时。

  2. interested改为interesting。指有趣的地方,而不是指人感到有趣,所以要用interesting。

  3. other改为another。因为summer是单数,句意是:我不想再在英国度过一个寒冷的夏天。

  4. change前加a。for a change是习语,意为“为了改变常规、为了变化一下”。

  5. to后加go。where I’d like to go意为“我想去的地方”。

  6. of改为with。表示“某事或做某事让人伤脑筋”用trouble with sth or doing sth。

  7. 去掉for。I’d enjoy是定语从句,前面省略了代替先行词the sun的that;enjoy是及物动词,直接说enjoy the sun,所以for是多余的。

  8. 此行正确。

  9. which改为what。因为用which(哪一)句意不通;what=the thing that…意为“(所)…的”。

  10. do改为help。因为用do,意思不通;help me a lot意为“对我帮助很大”。


  Yang Liwei was born from an ordinary family in Liaoning 1.____________

  Province in 1965. He became the pilot in Chinese Air Force 2.____________

  in 1987, spend 1,350 hours in the air. He has spent 5 years 3.____________

  training to become a spaceman. He sent into space at 9 a.m on 4.____________

  October 15th by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft, that orbited 5.____________

  the earth 14 times. He landed safe at 6:23 a.m the next day, 6.____________

  making China the third country successfully sending a person 7.____________

  into space before the former Soviet Union and the USA. 8.____________

  Yang Liwei comes back to the earth after a 21-hour trip 9.____________

  to space. In space Yang recorded to everything he saw and 10.___________

  showed China’s national flag to the people watching on TV.


  1. from→in。“出生于什么家庭”应该是 be born in a …family。

  2. the→a。他成为了“一名”中国空军飞行员。

  3. spend→spending。现在分词短语作状语。

  4. sent 前加 was。他“被”神州五号送上天空。

  5. that→which。非限制性定语从句不用 that 引导。


  7. √。

  8. before→after。中国发射载人飞船应该是在美国、苏联之后。

  9. comes→came。“回来”这一动作明显发生在过去。

  10. 去掉 to。record 是及物动词。


  One day, did not feeling well, Mr. Smith went to the hospital 1.____________

  to have him examined. When he was given the test report, 2.____________

  he was greatly shocked. “Am I dying ” He immediately 3.____________

  was felt very ill. Filled with sadness, he went back home, 4.____________

  taking a lot of pills and even wrote his will. “Maybe 5.____________

  a doctor made a mistake”, Mr. Smith thought and 6.____________

  went to the hospital to have more examination. To his 7.____________

  great joy, the doctor really made a mistake but he didn’t 8.____________

  have cancer in all! Again, the whole world seemed beautiful. 9.____________

  Mr. Smith went out for his favourite sport happily rather sadly. 10.___________


  1. 去掉did,not feeling well在句中充当状语。

  2. him改成himself,表示“使自己怎么样”时,应该用反身代词。

  3. 正确。

  4. 去掉was,felt表示“感到”时,为不及物动词,没有被动形式。

  5. taking改成took,and连接的是三个动词went、took、wrote,所以三者在形式上保持一致。

  6. a-the,上文中已经提到了这位大夫,所以在此应该予以特指。

  7. more-another,another“再一次”。

  8. but-and,前后两句话为并列关系,不存在转折的意味。

  9. in-at,本句话意思是“他根本没有得癌症”。at all“到底,根本”;in all“总共”。

  10. rather后加than,rather than为固定短语,连接两个并列成分。


  Last Sunday morning when I got up, to me great surprise,1.___________

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