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日期:10-28 20:23:50 | 军训作文 | 浏览次数: 649 次 | 收藏

标签:初中军训作文,高中军训作文,小学军训作文,http://www.gaofen123.com 军训英语作文:军训日记3篇,


  Thursday, November 16 rain

  "Left upright, raised his right foot, bouncing off his toes straight, and 45 ° angle into the ground ..." the instructor shouted hoarse.

  Today is the first day of military training, we all suffer students, instructors stringent requirements, we do it difficult ah. I secretly peeping out of the side of the students, skew Tampa, Pakistan eye, brow tight, physical shaking, it seems that everyone suffered torture, Variety ... rain and tears along glowing red on the cheek as the river and under.

  We usually stand down the Jiaoxiaojie in these temper, not only did not cry, but very brave, look optimistic, Gangyi, Jin is not happening, indeed admirable.

  Friday, November 17 rain

  The door into the canteen, choke back hunger, we would like to stop, a neat row of the team, sang Song, resonant voice, singing as waves for a while than for a while, better than consecutive day, all morale, singing singing, it never send me, can not help but like to play a simple melody songs , in love with the language of the barracks in particular. He sang, I think he is one of the glorious fighters.

  Saturday, November 18 rain

  Strong but not forgotten with the end of military life, sitting in a comfortable chair with immense, not think in the days of military training, military training follow in the footsteps of every step footprints are deeply printed in the hearts of every individual, three days ahead on the calendar left an extraordinary colors. Know how much rain we fought shiver, at the foot of the road that we left a number of sweat.

  "1,2,3,4" Password pierced the quiet sounds of the sky, the impact of our young hearts.

  Through the training days of joy and laughter hide bitter exertion. It is like the beauty of music, let us intention to be singing and experience.

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