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标签:GRE考试试题,GRE考试真题,http://www.gaofen123.com 2017年GRE考试北美模拟试题(三)(1),

the management representatives must be chosen from among m, n, and o.来源:考

the labor representatives must be chosen from among p, r, and s.

either j or k must be chosen as the independent specialist.

p cannot serve together with s.

o cannot serve together with p.

n cannot serve unless k serves at the same time.

1. which of the following is a list of people who can serve together on themission?

(a) j, m, n, r, s

(b) j, n, o, r, s

(c) k, m, n, p, r

(d) k, m, n, p, s

(e) k, n, o, p, r

2. which of the following persons must be chosen to serve on themission?

(a) j

(b) m

(c) n

(d) p

(e) r

3. if p and r are chosen to be the labor representatives, which of the following statements must be true?

ⅰ k is chosen to serve on themission.

ⅱ both m and n are chosen to represent management.

ⅲ j is chosen to serve on themission.

(a) ⅰ only

(b) ⅱ only

(c) ⅲ only

(d) ⅰand ⅱ only

(e) ⅱ and ⅲ only

4. which of the following is a list of four persons who can be chosen to serve together on themission if j has been chosen?

(a) m, n, p, rttqp. 外语园地gre . ttqp.

(b) m, n, r, s

(c) m, o, p, r.

(d) m, o, r, s

(e) n, o, r, s

5. if n, r, and s have been chosen as three members of themission, which of the following statements about the remaining two members of themission is accurate?

(a) m and o are the only pair who can be chosen toplete the group.

(b) k and o are the only pair who can be chosen toplete the group.

(c) k and m are the only pair who can be chosen toplete the group.

(d) both the pair m and o and the pair k and o are possible choices forpleting the group.

(e) both the pair k and m and the pair k and o are possible choices forpleting the group.

6. if j must be chose to serve on themission, which of the following persons cannot be chosen to serve on themission?

(a) m

(b) o

(c) p

(d) r

(e) s

7. if the laws of biology are ultimately based on the laws of physics and chemistry, then the laws of biology hold for living organisms wherever they may be found in the galaxy and the universe.

the conclusion above logically depends on which of the following assumptions?

(a) the science of biology is not as precise as the sciences of physics and chemistry.

(b) the sciences of biology, physics, and chemistry are ultimately a single science.

(c) the laws of physics and chemistry explain a narrower range of phenomena than do the laws of biology.

(d) the laws of physics and chemistry hold throughout the universe.

(e) a scientific law is necessarily universal.

8. hittite 推荐ts corroborate many of the descriptions of ancient life that appear in the iliad and even list greek cities that reportedly sent ships to troy. what this means is that the iliad is not creative literature, as ismonly believed, and hence not a matter for literary discussion. it is history and should be examined by historical science.

the author of the passage above makes which of the following assumptions?

ⅰ. a work cannot be classified as creative literature if that work records historical fact.

ⅱ. the hittite 推荐ts record actual events rather than legends.

ⅲ. cities and events mentioned in the iliad but not in the 推荐ts are fictitious.

(a) ⅰ only

(b) ⅱ only

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(c) ⅲ only

(d) ⅰand ⅱ only

(e) ⅱand ⅲ only

9. it has been argued that the consumer has benefited from agricultural technology in the united states. consumers are spending, on the average, a decreasing proportion of their ie on food. but the demand for food, especially in prosperous countries, is virtually insensitive to ie, so that as real ies rise, the amount spent of food bes a smaller proportion of expenditure. therefore, in order to judge whether consumers have really benefited from agricultural technology, it is necessary to know whether ____________.

which of the following is the most logicalpletion of the passage above?

(a) ies will continue to rise

(b) the proportion of ie spent on food has declined more sharply than rises in real ie warrant

(c) technological costs constitute a substantial portion of the cost of food production

(d) the quantity of food produced by american farmers has increased

(e) consumers will increase the proportion of their ie spent on foot as food prices rise


(d) z, x, y, z, y, x

(e) z, y, x, y, x, z

17. in order that all possiblebinations of partners play one game each, how many games must be played?

(a) 3

(b) 4

(c) 5

(d) 6

(e) 8

18. if each player has won at least one game, what is the minimum number of games that must have been played?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

(e) 5

19. at the end of the third game in the first series, which of the following must be true?

(a) there is a player who has won two games and lost one game.

(b) there is a player who has won all three games.

(c) there is a player who has lost two or more games.

(d) there are three players who have lost exactly one game each.

(e) there are three players who have won exactly two games each.


(b) canvas sold by an american retailer and mounted on a stretcher of american wood is probably an american painting

(c) canvas sold by an american retailer and not mounted on a stretcher is probably not an american painting

(d) unmarked canvas mounted on a stretcher of american wood is probably an american painting

(e) unmarked canvas that is not mounted on a stretcher is probably not an american painting


9. the theoretical principle of democracy is majority rule, but at least in presidential politics majority rule has never triumphed. in every presidential election, more people of voting age failed to vote than voted for the eventual winner. "none of the above" is evidently the perennially favorite candidate of most citizens.

the conclusion of the passage is based on which of the following assumptions?

(a) nonresidential elections are less worthy of study than are presidential election.

(b) people of voting age who fail to vote in presidential elections do so to express their dissatisfaction with the candidates.

(c) a presidential candidate need not receive votes from a majority of those who actually vote in order to win an election.

(d) the ratio of voters to nonvoter among those of voting age indicates the relative popularity of thepeting candidates.

(e) the principle of majority rule has never been correctly defined.

10. scientists do not live or work in isolation from the rest of the world. they toil in government laboratories, universities, and industry. yet they espouse only what scientific evidence convinces them is true, not what the public wants to hear. in fact, nothing ruins scientific research faster than mixing it with political considerations.

it can be inferred from the passage above that the author believes that

(a) the public has no faith in the discoveries of scientists

(b) scientists cannot be effective politicians

(c) scientific conclusions have few political implications

(d) political aims are likely to be irrelevant to scientific research

(e) scientific research should be apolitical


(c) l; m, n, s

(d) t; k, r, s

(e) k; m, n, r, s

16. if, on a given panel, n must serve as chairperson, the other members of that panel must be which of the following?

(a) m and s

(b) s and t

(c) l, r, and s

(d) l, s, and t

(e) r, s, and t

17. if a new arbitration panel, chaired by s, has been formed from an old panel, chaired by m, merely by replacing a single member of the old panel, which of the following must be the referee who was thus replaced?

(a) k

(b) l

(c) n

(d) r

(e) t




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