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日期:04-04 18:08:22 | 金融英语 | 浏览次数: 169 次 | 收藏

标签:金融英语考试,金融英语学习,http://www.gaofen123.com 贷款程序中英文对照,
AcceptanceAll IcBc's county- and district-level sub-branches handling loan business and their corporate business departments (or marketing departments equivalent to corporate business departments) can accept application of borrowers for fixed assets loan. generally, it is the client's bank of deposit that will accept and primarily review application of the client and submit preliminary opinions on the accepted loan. 一、受理  中国工商银行办理贷款业务的县、区支行及其以上机构的公司业务部门(或相当于公司业务部门的市场营销部门)均可受理借款人固定资产贷款申请。客户的申请一般由客户的开户行受理和初审,并由该行对受理的贷款提出初步意见。 II. Primary auditingmain contents reviewed at the primary review stage of fixed assets loan: subordinate bank's application report; document of approval to the project; proprietor's letter of application for loan; recent statements of borrowers; and project loan conditions. 二、初审  固定资产贷款初审阶段主要审查内容是:下级行申请报告;项目批准文件;业主借款申请;借款人近期报表情况;项目贷款条件。 III. AppraisalThe loan project appraisal is generally organized and implemented by IcBc's credit appraisal departments. They will make aprehensive and systematic appraisal on the loan as required by loan's 'tri-nature' principle, so as to provide an impersonal, impartial and accurate basis for loan decision-making bybining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis. For that who needs the head office corporate business department to issue a letter of conditionalmitment, the corporate business department should submit to the credit appraisal department for appraisal at the same time when issuing the letter of conditional loanmitment; for that who does not need the corporate business department to issue the letter of conditionalmitment, the head office credit management department should submit to the credit appraisal department for appraisal. 三、评估  贷款项目的评估一般由中国工商银行信贷评估部门组织进行。根据贷款“三性”原则要求,运用定量与定性相结合的方法,对贷款进行全面和系统的评价,为贷款决策提供客观、公正和准确的依据。对需由总行公司业务部出具有条件承诺函的,公司业务部在出具有条件贷款承诺函的同时提交信贷评估部评估,不需要公司业务部出具有条件承诺函的,由总行信贷管理部提交信贷评估部评估。 1. Basis of loan project appraisal:(1) National industrial and overall arrangement policies, fiscal and tax policy, industrial development program, design standards and parameters for national



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