阅读 B
SEcTIoN B SKImmINg AND ScANNINg (10 min)
In this section there are seven passages with ten multiple-choice questions. Ski m or scan them as required and then mark your answers on your coloured Answer Sheet.
First read the question.
31. The primary purpose of the letter is to ___.
A. illustrate the world Bank's efforts in poverty-relief programmes
B. call for further efforts by nations in sustainable development
c. provide evidence for the world Bank's aid to the private sectors
D. clear up some misunderstanding about the world Bank
Now go through TEXT E quickly to answer question 31.
August 18th 199
Dear Sir,
In your July 28th article you noted that the Bank's own internal analysis r ated one third of the projectspleted in 1991 as unsatisfactory. But that sta tement fails to take account of the Bank's criteria for 'success', which are exc eptionally strict. For instance, before a project can be considered successful, it must have at least a 10% rate of return. This rate is far higher than the min imum demanded by many bilateral aid donors, many of which require a return of on ly 5% or 6%. Thus, projects rated unsatisfactory under the Bank's standards sti ll yield many benefits.
You imply that, because it deals mainly with governments, the Bank does not sufficiently support private sector development. Here are the facts. The world
Bank has:
supported reforms in mere than 80 countries aimed at opening up trade, making p rices realistic and dismantling state monopolies which stifle individual enterpr ise nvested in infrastructure to facilitate business activity; assisted and advised over 200 privatization-related operations involving nearly uS $ 25 billion in loans; provided mere than uS $ 12 billion through an affiliate, the International Fina nce corp. over the last 30 years to mere than 1,000 privatepanies in the dev eloping world; and through another affiliate, the multi lateral Investment guara ntee Agency, offered insurance against nonmercial risk to encourage foreign investment in poor countries.
The record shows that, over the past generation, more progress has been mad e in reducing poverty and raising living standards than during any otherpara ble period in history. In the developing countries:
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