each question should be answered independently. www.gaofen123.com www.gaofen123.com
0 100 100
1 105 80
2 103 89
3 112 100
4 120 110
5 135 120
in addition, you have the following information.
time 0 assumption time 1 assumption
1 px 0.995 0.993
annual management expense 1.5% 1.5%
reserve valuation rate 4% 4%
your sample pricing cell assumes an initial deposit of 1,000. no future deposits are
allowed and the product either annuitizes or is withdrawn at the end of five years. death
is assumed to be the only decrement before the end of year five and is assumed to occur
at each year-end. management expenses are withdrawn at year-end.
(a) (2 points) describe how the risk management considerations for segregated fund
contracts differ from those for eias.
(b) (4 points) calculate the reserve for your sample pricing cell at t = 1 under the
actual experience and pare it to the reserve from the original pricing
course 8: fall 2004 - 11 - go on to next page
enterprise risk management segment
afternoon session www.gaofen123.com
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