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日期:10-31 19:43:16 | 高一英语 | 浏览次数: 657 次 | 收藏

标签:高一英语,http://www.gaofen123.com 人教版高一英语必修一听力,

  1. How does the man feel about missing class?


  A: Worried    B: Happy    C: Angry


  2. What did she want to do?


  A: Forget his birthday  B: Give him a gift for his birthday C: Wait too late


  3. What did the man do with the pen?


  A: H e gave it to the woman B: He did not have the pen C: He put it way


  4. What does the man mean?


  A: The term paper was finished  B: The woman received the best score C: He was sure his term project was good


  5. What is the man doing?


  A: Taking on objective test B: Writing a composition  C: Reading a book


  6. What is Jack probably going to be?


  A: A doctor     B: A businessman     C: A lawyer


  7. Why does Li Hua want to learn English now?


  A: Because English is very important for China


  B: Because English is very interesting


  C: Because English is easier to learn


  8. What are the two speakers?


  A: Doctors     B: Lawyers      C: Students


  9. What exam will the man take?


  A: The entrance exam B: The mid-team exam  C: The final exam


  10. What does the man think of the coming exam?


  A: Easy  B: Harder than the last one  C: He won’t pass


  11. What does the man think of the present job?


  A: He is not content with it


  B: It’s the best one in the world


  C: It’s the worst one in the world


  12. Where do you think the dialogue takes place?


  A: In a shop     B: A t home     C: In the street


  13. What will they buy for Ann?


  A: Some records    B: At home     C: In the street


  14. What will they buy for Dick?


  A: Some records     B: A toy suit    C: A space suit


  15. What is the speet limit in highways in America?


  A: 25 miles an hour    B: 35 miles an hour     C: 55 miles an hour


  16. What will happen if a driver receivers too many traffic tichers?


  A: He will be put in person B: He can’t drive forever  C: He can’t drive for some time


  17. How is the traffic during the rush hour?


  A: Quite heavy     B: Very light     C: No traffic


  18. Why was the speakers disappointed that morning?


  A: He didn’t receive any letters


  B: He didn’t receive the letter he was respecting


  C: He didn’t receive any phone calls


  19. What was enclosed in the letter?


  A: Money     B: Photos    C: Cards


  20. Why did the speaker’s father send him a gift?


  A: For his graduation


  B: For his birthday


  C: For his good marks in the exanination


TAG:听力  高一英语  


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