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日期:10-31 19:43:51 | 高一英语 | 浏览次数: 232 次 | 收藏

标签:高一英语,http://www.gaofen123.com 高一英语必修二课本翻译题及答案,

  6.     There is no doubt that the Olympic Games in Beijing will be the best in history.

  7.     When we judge others, we should take all factors into consideration.

  8.     He always pretended to be deaf when you asked him embarassed questions.

  9.     He prefered to die rather than give in to him.

  10. Taiwan belongs to china and no one can take it apart from our motherland.

  11. The UN thinks highly of what china did in keeping the peace of the world.

必修二 Unit 2

  1.     我父亲鼓励我参加各种各样的学校活动.(encourage…. take part in )

  2.     他被北京大学录取了.(be admitted to/into..)

  3.     他浪费了所有的钱和时间.(as well as)

  4.     这能帮助你搞明白其意思.( help sb work out)

  5.     中国承诺会把奥运火炬带上世界之颠.(promise to do)

  6.     我生活在你们所说的 “幸福之村”.(live in what…)

  7.     事实上,我们未尽可能地充分利用这些健身房和游泳池.(as a matter of fact, make full use of)

  8.     我觉得和你一起共餐很荣幸.(be an honour to do sth)

  9.     2008 年夏季奥运会将在北京举行.(will be held..)

  10. 没有票,任何人都不允许进入体育厂.(be allowed to do… stadium)

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