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日期:10-31 19:43:51 | 中考英语复习资料 | 浏览次数: 905 次 | 收藏

标签:中考英语复习资料,http://www.gaofen123.com 初三暑假英语提高训练:阅读理解题(十三),


  Children are amazing! They①pick up languages so naturally and easily. Have you ever wondered why? It's not because they have great natural language abilities.②In fact, studies show that an adult's potential(潜能) to learn language is as good as a child's 。

  So why do children still seem  to acquire(学到) languages more quickly than the rest of us? It's because of the way they learn. Children learn by simply doing  what comes naturally-they listen, copy and communicate. Let's take a closer  look at how children ac quire languages. Perhaps we can discover a better, more "natural" way to learn English。

  Children don't practice grammar drills, but use  languages to talk about things that interest them. This helps them learn to express themselves. They don't worry  about inadequate(不足的) vocabulary or poor grammar.  They find ways  to express themselves, and they do it successfully。

  ③Students should pay more attention to genuine(真实的) communication. Look for chances to talk with people in English. If you can't find a foreigner to talk to, talk with other English students instead. Start an English discussion group and chat about music, movies or whatever interests you。

  Don't worry about making mistakes. The aim is to learn how to communicate easily and comfortably. Remember that you can communicate successfully even with a small vocabulary。

  Trust your own natural ability  to learn English. You've got more potential than you probably realize!

  61.在文中找出① 处划线短语的同义词。


  63. Do children worry about poor grammar when they learn to express themselves?


  Genuine communication should                more attention to by students 。

  65. As a student, how should you learn language by reading the passage?

  答案:61.  acquire /learn    (任意答对一个都给2分)

  62. 实际上/事实上,研究表明(一个)成年人学习语言的潜能和(一个)孩子的(潜能)一样好。

  (注:翻译时,语序不能交换, 但意思相同即可,"研究"一词未译出的扣0.5分。)

  63.  No, they don't./ No。

  64.  be; paid   (每词1分)

  65.1. I/We should use language to talk about things that interest me/us。

  2. I/We should pay more attention to genuine communication。

  3. I /We should listen, copy and communicate。




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