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当前:首页 >> 2009年6月大学英语六级考试A卷真题及答案(1)


日期:11-15 16:01:49 | 英语六级考试 | 浏览次数: 442 次 | 收藏

标签:大学英语六级考试,英语六级考试题型,http://www.gaofen123.com 2009年6月大学英语六级考试A卷真题及答案(1),

writing(30 minutes)

readingprehension(skimming and scanning)(15 minutes)

geoffrey miller,evolutionary psychologist at the university of new mexico,says:”the us will follow the ukin realizing that religion is nor a prerequisite (

“this,science will kill religion-not by reason challenging faith but by offering a more practical,uniwersal and rewarding moral frameworkfor human interaction.”

he also predicts that “ahsurdly wasteful”displays of wealth will be umfashionable while the importance of close-knitmunities and families will be clearer.

these there changer,he says,will help make us all”brighe\ter,wiser,happier and kinder”.

according to harvard professor steven pinker,predictions about the future_____.

a)may invite trouble

c)will fool the public

d)do more harm than good

b)more people will donate their organs for transplantation

c)animal organs could be transplanted into human bodies

d)organ transplantation won’t be as scary as it is today

a)life for as long as they wish

b)be relieved from all sufferings

d)be able to live longer than whales



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