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  • 名称:2009年高考英语原创模拟试题(二)(辽宁马智超) 下载
  • 类型:高考英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:10-28
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:455
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:199 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级

标签:高考英语试卷,历年高考英语试题及答案, 本站提供2009年高考英语原创模拟试题(二)(辽宁马智超)免费下载,http://www.gaofen123.com
高考英语模拟原创试题(二) 说明:本试题为全国通版本,为本人花费大量经历精心设计,个人认为试题覆盖高考考点全面,难度较高(大约与福建卷相当)。供同学测试自己水平之用,请您珍惜使用,另外,由于编写时间仓促,题中难免有打字疏漏之处,欢迎同学们及时指正,以便本人日臻完善试题.谢谢!) 标准答案在最后!!! 命题人、校对人: 鞍山一中 马智超 第一卷 选择题 第一部分 听力(略) 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 单项选择(1*15=15) 21. Beyond ___ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but ___ space. A. the; / B. /; the C. /; / D. the; the 22. At the beginning of the class, the noise of desks ___ could be heard outside the classroom. A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed C. being opened and closed D. to open and close 23. Mr Smith bought an oil painting ___ the sun is rising in the east. A. which B. where C. when D. that 24. She ___ politely to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn’t feeling well. A. declined B. promised C. denied D. ignored 25. Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they ___ better health, living a happier life. A. enjoyed ...,大小:199 KB


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