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当前:首页 >> 中考英语语法:主动语态变被动语态练习题


日期:10-31 19:51:59 | 中考英语复习资料 | 浏览次数: 160 次 | 收藏

标签:中考英语复习资料,http://www.gaofen123.com 中考英语语法:主动语态变被动语态练习题,


  1. We often sing this song.


  2. He broke his leg in the match.


  3. She will sell her house soon.


  4. He is repairing the machine.


  5. He has finished his work.


  6. We call him Lao Wang.


  7. We must do something to help her.


  8. What did you say at the meeting?


  9. He gave me some old magazines.


  10. He told me to wait at the gate.



  1. This song is often sung.

  2. His leg was broken in the match.

  3. Her house will be sold soon.

  4. The machine is being repaired.

  5. His work has been finished.

  6. He is called Lao Wang.

  7. Something must be done to help her.

  8. What was said at the meeting?

  9. I was given some old magazines.

  10. I was told to wait at the gate.

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