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当前:首页 >> 2017小升初英语试题——名校测试题


日期:02-11 15:37:51 | 小升初英语复习资料 | 浏览次数: 899 次 | 收藏

标签:小升初英语复习资料,http://www.gaofen123.com 2017小升初英语试题——名校测试题,

  Mr. And Mrs. Smith often say to their only child Dick , "Are you going to do something ? Then do it ! 10 another 'Mr. Going-to-do'!"

  A B C D

  ( ) 1. Smith ,the Smiths ,Smiths ,the Smiths'

  ( ) 2. like, to, about, over

  ( ) 3. how, which, what, why

  ( ) 4. or, and, but, so

  ( ) 5. go, going, goes, is going

  ( ) 6. two, many, a lot of ,too

  ( ) 7. much, some, any, a little

  ( ) 8. excuse, hello ,thank you, sorry

  ( ) 9. is, do ,will, does

  ( ) 10. Be not, Do be not, Don't be, Be not do


  一、听录音,选出你听到的选项(听两遍 10)

  1、left 2、listen 3、heacier 4、Saturday 5、meet

  6、wash 7、go swimming 8、ten to four

  9、It often rains . 10、I'm going along Nanjing Road.

  二、听录音,判断图片内容是否与录音内容相符,相符的用T表示,不符的用F表示(听两遍 5)


  三、听录音,选出正确的应答句(听两遍 5)

  1、What's the weather like today ?

  2、Thank you .

  3、Can I have some writing paper ?

  4、Where were the shoes just now ?

  5、Where are the boys now ?

  四、根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确的答句(听两遍 5)

  1、A: I'm 165 cm . How tall are you , Yang Ling ?

  B: I'm 162 cm .

  Q: What 's the height of Yang Ling ?

  2、A: Mike , it's time to go to school . You should take an umbrella .

  B: All right . Goodbye , mum .

  Q: What's the weather like now ?

  3、A: What did you do at Christmas ?

  B: I had a party .

  A: Tomorrow is New Year's Day . What are you going to do ?

  B: I'm going to the park .

  Q: What date is it today ?

  4、A: Excuse me , where's the theatre ?

  B: It's over there . That's a short walk . You can walk t here .

  A: Thank you .

  Q: How does the woman get to the theatre ?

  5、A: What are you going to do tomorrow ?

  B: I'm going to visit my grandma with my parents .

  A :Where does your grandma live in ?

  B: She lives in a small town .

  Q: Who lives in a small town ?

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TAG:测试题  小升初英语  名校  


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