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当前:首页 >> 小升初优秀作文:业余爱好


日期:10-31 19:51:59 | 小升初英语复习资料 | 浏览次数: 874 次 | 收藏

标签:小升初英语复习资料,http://www.gaofen123.com 小升初优秀作文:业余爱好,
My winter holiday   Winter holiday is coming. I am so excited.   In this winter holiday, I am going to take a trip with my parents by plane.We are going to Beijing. Then, I am going to go ice skating there. I am going to see the snow. I will play with the snow. I am going to make a snowman with my sister. Then we are going to visit the Great wall. At last, we are going to go back home by plane.   That will be fun in the winter holiday! I can’t wait!
TAG:优秀作文  小升初  


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